The effects of practicing target-shooting sport on the severity of inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive symptoms in children – A non-randomised controlled open-label study in Denmark

Artiklen sammenfatter resultaterne fra den kvantitative del af studiet, som er beskrevet i artikel 1. Artiklens resultater vedrører alle tre forskningsspørgsmål omkring effekten af FOKUS-skydning i forhold til børnenes ADHD-kernesymptomer, trivsel og livskvalitet.

Månsson, A., Elmose, M., Mejldal, A., Dalsgaard, S., Roessler, K.K. (2019).

The effects of practicing target-shooting sport on the severity of inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive symptoms in children: A non-randomised controlled open-label study in Denmark. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (e- pub ahead of print)

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